2-Minute Talk Like A Winner Tips

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We all do some complaining and criticizing from time-to-time. It's just part of being real. But what you want to avoid is the bad habit of going into a negative mode too often or for too long of a time. When you do find yourself indulging in some occasional complaining or criticizing, make sure that you don't dwell on it too long and mix in some more positive comments in order to balance out your conversational tone. Otherwise, a heavy dose of negative comments will start creating an emotional drain on your social interaction.

By giving this suggestion a try, you'll start disciplining your end of the conversations so that they don't drift out of control into topics and emotions that you'll both regret later. If nothing else, be sure that the balance of your conversation is not too heavily weighed on energy-draining negative topics.

The Bottom Line

When you control like a winner by preventing your conversation from turning negative, you'll be a person that others will naturally turn to for pleasurable exchanges. All it takes is the awareness to anticipate where a conversation is going and the discipline to turn it around before it starts wearing down each of the participants.

Talk Like A Winner!

Wordle: Email3

Steve Nakamoto, Writer's Digest Award-Winning Relationship Author
16835 Algonquin Street, Suite 122, Huntington Beach, California 92649
Phone & FAX: (714) 846-0622
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